interactive kids table Let's PLAY… Based on the message of "learning while playing" the PLAY table was developed with theaim of integrating teaching tools in a versatile equipment, through which it is possible to get skills basedon sharing. It is fully compatible with the optional EKOOS FUN software that has several apps that promoteknowledge acquisition. Among these apps we can find Zones, Airhockey, Aliens, Bugs, Bullseye,Cards, Couronne and Curling.With the possibility of changing between face up and vertical positions, the PLAY table will be thecentre of attention for children in any kindergarten, school or study centre. Let's PLAY… Based on the message of "learning while playing" the PLAY table was developed with theaim of integrating teaching tools in a versatile equipment, through which it is possible to get skills basedon sharing. It is fully compatible with the optional EKOOS FUN software that has several apps that promoteknowledge acquisition. Among these apps we can find Zones, Airhockey, Aliens, Bugs, Bullseye,Cards, Couronne and Curling.
With the possibility of changing between face up and vertical positions, the PLAY table will be thecentre of attention for children in any kindergarten, school or study centre.
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learning while playing

Dimensions for the 32" Play of EKOOS range.
More dimensions and formats are available.

Dimensions for the 32" Play of EKOOS range.
More dimensions and formats are available.

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